- ICCIE Designation Program
- Certificate in Captive Insurance (CCI)
- ICCIE Modular Students
- ICCIE Fellow Program
Associate in Captives (ACI) Designation
As ICCIE was being conceived, feedback from industry experts made it clear that a captive insurance education designation should be available through a comprehensive program of study. It was with this in mind that the Associate in Captive Insurance (ACI) designation program was created, and it was intentionally designed to be challenging and complete – to assure professionals that the designation would be meaningful. The ACI is the recognized designation of captive insurance professionals around the world.
The following are the components of the ACI Designation Program:
A. Students must complete all seven core courses (including their respective post-course exams). These are classes comprised of ICCIE content developed by our instructors. They are offered on-line and contain instructor-led synchronous and asynchronous components. This blended approach offers students a high degree of engagement and interaction with top-tier industry professionals and the flexibility to complete their studies according to the dictates of their busy lives.
For a schedule of where and when courses are offered, click here.
- An Introduction to Alternative Risk Financing Mechanisms
- Understanding Risk and Risk Retention Mechanisms
- Reinsurance and Other Risk Transfer Mechanisms
- Predicting Risk and an Introduction to Actuarial Science
- Forming and Operating a Captive
- Business Ethics in the Captive Insurance Industry
- Investment Basics for Captives
B. Students must complete two of the following electives (including their respective post-course exams). Electives are offered through ICCIE, The Institutes, the Insurance Education Association (IEA) and American Society for Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM). ICCIE elective course tuition is included in the ACI designation tuition (up to 2 electives). All electives not offered directly by ICCIE will be paid for by the student. Electives are offered as instructor-led on-line classes, face-to-face or as independent study courses.
For a schedule of where and when courses are offered, click here.
- ICCIE – Accounting for Captives: Financial Reporting and Analysis (6 CEs)
- ICCIE – Accounting for Captives: Interpretation and Management Perspectives (6 CEs)
- ICCIE – Captive Board Governance (5 CEs)
- ICCIE – Captive Claims Management Best Practices & Reinsurance (5 CEs)
- ICCIE – Employee Benefits and Captives (5 CEs)
- ICCIE – Healthcare Captives Overview (6 CEs)
- ICCIE – Investments and Captives (6 CEs)
- ICCIE – Risk Retention Groups (5 CEs)
- ICCIE – Understanding the Intricacies of Cell Captives (6 CEs)
- AIAF 114 – Insurer Accounting Management (9 CEs)
- ARM 54 – Risk Management Principles and Practices (9 CEs)
- ARM 55 – Risk Assessment and Treatment (9 CEs)
- ARM 56 – Risk Financing (9 CEs)
- ASHRM – Barton Certificate in Healthcare Risk Management – Essentials (5 CEs)
- ASHRM – Barton Certificate in Healthcare Risk Management – Applications (5 CEs)
- ASHRM – Barton Certificate in Healthcare Risk Management – Advanced (5 CEs)
- AU 60 – Commercial Underwriting Principles (9 CEs)
- AU 61 – Underwriting Commercial Property (9 CEs)
- AU 62 – Underwriting Commercial Liability (9 CEs)
- CPCU 551 – Commercial Property Risk Management Insurance (9 CEs)
- CPCU 552 – Commercial Liability Risk Management and Insurance (9 CEs)
- AINS 23 – Commercial Insurance (5 CEs)
Students have the option of substituting a Work Project for one of the electives. If students have a work project in mind related to one of the courses, they may submit a proposal. Projects should be related to the captive industry and be able to be completed within 180 days of topic approval.
C. Students must participate in three “hot topic” webinars offered through ICCIE, VCIA or through approved modules at captive conferences. No more than one of the three required webinars may be obtained through documented attendance at approved modules at captive conferences. It is expected that ICCIE will be offering a total of four – six such webinars per year.
An ACI student who cancels a webinar registration within seven days of the teleconference will be asked to pay for the replacement teleconference.
D. Upon earning the Associate in Captive Insurance Designation (ACI) students must complete a minimum of 12 continuing education credits in three years. To learn more about the CE requirements click here
For a schedule of where and when courses are offered, click here.
Certificate in Captive Insurance (CCI)
In response to industry interest in an intermediate captive insurance educational benchmark, ICCIE launched the Certificate in Captive Insurance (CCI) in September of 2015.
The CCI allows students to commit to an intermediate level of expertise in the captive industry, while also allowing for specialization in captive knowledge.
There are three types of CCI certificates available. They are, along with their requirements:
For Captive Owners: the CCI-O – required:
An Introduction to Alternative Risk Financing Mechanisms OR
Understanding Risk and Risk Retention Mechanisms
Forming and Operating a Captive
Captive Board Governance
Business Ethics in the Captive Insurance Industry
For Captive Managers: the CCI-M – required:
An Introduction to Alternative Risk Financing Mechanisms OR
Understanding Risk and Risk Retention Mechanisms
Forming and Operating a Captive
Accounting for Captives – Financial Reporting and Analysis
Accounting for Captives – Interpretation and Management Perspectives
General RM Professional: the CCI – required:
An Introduction to Alternative Risk Financing Mechanisms OR
Understanding Risk and Risk Retention Mechanisms
Forming and Operating a Captive
Two ICCIE-offered core or elective courses
Tuition for the CCI is $2,600 – payable upon enrollment. CCI graduates who wish to enroll in the complete ACI program, would pay the regular second payment ($2,300), making the total cost of such an ACI ($4,900 vs. the normal $4,600).
To register for the CCI professional certificate, click here:
ICCIE offers students the opportunity to enroll in individual courses as an alternative to participating in the designation program. The courses open to modular students are the ICCIE live courses and webinars. The classes are comprised of ICCIE content developed by our instructors. They are offered on-line via instructor-led asynchronous learning.
ICCIE Core Courses:
- An Introduction to Alternative Risk Financing Mechanisms
- Understanding Risk and Risk Retention Mechanisms
- Reinsurance and Other Risk Transfer Mechanisms
- Predicting Risk and an Introduction to Actuarial Science
- Forming and Operating a Captive
- Business Ethics in the Captive Insurance Industry
- Investment Basics for Captives
ICCIE Elective Courses:
- Accounting for Captives: Financial Reporting and Analysis
- Accounting for Captives: Interpretation and Management Perspectives
- Captive Board Governance
- Captive Claims Management Best Practices & Reinsurance
- Employee Benefits and Captives
- Healthcare Captives Overview
- Investments and Captives
- Risk Retention Groups
- Understanding the Intricacies of Cell Captives
In addition, modular students may participate in ICCIE’s “hot topic” webinars
ICCIE Fellow Program
For those in the captive world who have achieved the highest educational standards and who have also shown leadership and service to the captive industry, ICCIE recognizes such individuals with its highest level of recognition: The ICCIE Fellow.
The ICCIE Fellow designation is reserved for individuals who have attained the highest educational standard offered by ICCIE (the Associate in Captive Insurance – maintained in good standing) and who have also made a major contribution to the industry, which may take several forms.
Those who are interested in being recognized as an ICCIE Fellow should complete the application materials as directed (click here for Application Form) and return it via mail or email to the ICCIE office. A special ICCIE committee of captive insurance professionals will review ICCIE Fellow applicants on a periodic basis and determine who has qualified for the designation based on the description included in the application.