Anne Marie Towle
A veteran of the captive insurance industry, Anne Marie Towle is CEO of Global Captive Solutions and CEO of Global Risk Management for Hylant.
She has over 20 years of experience with diverse projects and has worked with captives and other alternative risk transfer vehicles in many key onshore and offshore domiciles. Prior to joining Hylant, she was an Executive Vice President for Marsh Captive Solutions and its U.S. Captive Practice Leader. Before that, she was a Senior Consultant with Willis Towers Watson for over 7 years and a Senior Manager in public accounting and spent 10 years in taxation, where she provided consultancy services to captive owners. Anne Marie managed client projects through feasibility and implementation processes in structuring captives and manage their accounting and tax compliance functions. Before that, Anne Marie worked in private industry in the insurance tax departments of several Fortune 500 insurance and banking companies.
Throughout her career, Anne Marie has been closely involved in captive insurance organizations at the local, state and national level. She has served on the Board of Directors for Nevada Captive Insurance Association and the International Center for Captive Insurance Education (ICCIE); the ICCIE curriculum committee and as an instructor for ICCIE courses; and the conference committees of the Vermont Captive Insurance Association (VCIA), Captive Insurance Companies Association (CICA) and the South Carolina Captive Insurance Association (SCCIA). Anne Marie is a frequent speaker and author on various captive insurance topics.