Suzanne Sadlier

ICCIE core course: Reinsurance and Other Risk Transfer Mechanisms

Ms. Suzanne Sadlier is Executive Vice President-Captive Management, North America at Artex Risk Solutions.  Previously, she was Managing Director at Artex Risk Solutions (Cayman) Ltd.  She was formerly Head of the Onsite Inspection Unit of the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (“the Authority”) and Deputy Head of the Insurance Supervision Division of the Authority. Prior to that she was the Authority’s Reinsurance Specialist, a post which she held for two years.

Ms. Sadlier holds in excess of 15 years of knowledge and experience in the insurance industry having worked in Ireland in a variety of positions within areas such as reinsurance claims, underwriting and regulation.

In her capacity as a Reinsurance Specialist, she was responsible for managing complex license applications and providing technical advice to the Insurance Supervision Division regarding the day-to-day supervisory operations. She also provided recommendations in relation to (re)insurance laws and regulations. In addition, Ms. Sadlier led a number of technical projects such as the design and implementation of CIMA’s internal capital model framework.

She has previously served as a member of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) Reinsurance Task Force on behalf of the Authority.

Ms. Sadlier holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in International Insurance from the University of Limerick, Ireland, and is a Chartered Insurer (ACII) as awarded by the Chartered Insurance Institute, UK in 2013. She is also an AIR Certified Catastrophe Modeler (CCM) as awarded by the AIR Institute, Boston in 2014.


Reinsurance and Other Risk Transfer Mechanisms