Here are some recent updates from ICCIE, the official education program of the captive insurance industry.
CICA to Offer One-Year Free Membership to New ACI Graduates
ICCIE is delighted to partner with the Captive Insurance Companies Association (CICA) on a new program intended to support the career development and educational needs of captive professionals.
CICA President Dan Towle recently announced that, retroactive to January 2018, all new ACI graduates will get a complimentary one-year membership with CICA. “This will grant them all of our membership benefits, including allowing them to participate in our mentorship program, which can be a key component to career advancement,” Towle said.
“It’s a great fit, and a terrific opportunity for our two organizations to work together,” said ICCIE Executive Director Mitch Cantor. “I have no doubt that our ACIs will see this as a great opportunity to get to know CICA, if they don’t already.”
ICCIE Announces New CE Guidelines
ICCIE is pleased to announce some changes to our continuing education (CE) guidelines for graduates of our Associate in Captive Insurance (ACI) designation. The new schematic will make it more convenient and easier for ACIs to earn more credits while attending approved sessions at captive insurance conferences. In addition, a new payment option will allow for a one-time discounted payment on all the CE credits required per three-year renewal window. Here are the main points of the ACI CE guidelines:
- ACIs need to complete 12 ICCIE-approved CE credits per three-year window post graduation (no change);
- There is no longer a limit to CE credits earned from approved conference sessions (new) – previously, only 4 of the 12 credits per renewal window could be earned at conference sessions;
- Seminars at conferences now have an administrative fee of $100 per webinar (new);
- For ACI Alumni Network (AAN) members, all online webinars and live-at-conference CE sessions cost $75 (new — reduced from $90);
- AAN members receive a 50% discount off ONE course per year (new).
- We now have a prepay subscription available (new): ACIs can prepay for their 12 credits in webinars and webcasts for $1,100 (non-refundable). This can be purchased at any time, and the credits may be used over more than one renewal window.
- For AAN members purchasing the prepay subscription, annual dues are reduced to $50 per year (instead of $100) (new).
As always, our goal is to serve the captive industry with quality education at a reasonable price. We look forward to hearing your feedback on the new CE changes.
And — In case you missed it…
ICCIE Launches Its New LinkedIn Page
Earlier this year ICCIE launched its LinkedIn page ( We expect our LinkedIn page to be an excellent resource to help you connect with other captive professionals and a great place to visit for educational conversation and discussion (topical postings on our LinkedIn page will also appear on our website on a special Blogging page). We will also include the latest information about updates in our educational programming. Visit our LinkedIn page for education, inspiration, and to strengthen our captive community.
Recent ACI and CCI recipients
Travis Wegkamp receives his ACI diploma at the 2018 Western Region
conference from WRCIC committee member Renea Louie.

Santiago Garcia (far left), Kellie Bodmer (third from left), and Roger Budd (third from right) receive their ACI diplomas from ICCIE Executive Director Mitch Cantor (second from right) at the 2018 Bermuda Captive Conference (BCC). Also present is 2018 BCC Chair Mike Parrish (second from left) and Hon. Walter H Roban JP, MP, Deputy Premier of Bermuda and the Minister of Transport and Regulatory Affairs (far right).
Margaret Draper-Harris, Cristal – Maryland
Denise Ingraham, 360 Training and Consulting – Bahamas
Justin Sawran, Wisconsin Medical Society Holding Corporation – Wisconsin
Carissa McKinney, Premier Insurance Management Services – California
Tara Acton, Century Link – Colorado
Douglas Bey, State of Delaware – Virginia
Michele Durham, Aon – New York
Kathy Grisham, RiskMatters – Tennessee
Erin Hackett, Crowe – Vermont
Franz Hebert, Caledonia Series of Fortresse – Michigan
Cari Hutchinson, Caledonia Series of Fortresse – Michigan
Timothy Ley, The Hartford – Missouri
Yubei Lu, State of Utah – Utah
Pamela Sanchez, State of Utah – Utah
Andrew Smith, Caledonia Series of Fortresse – Michigan
Patrick Womac, State of Tennessee – Tennessee
Adam White, Aon – Vermont
For additional information about any of these news items contact ICCIE Executive Director Mitch Cantor at 802-651-9051 or |