THE WAIT IS OVER!… New ICCIE Website Is Live…
For those of you who have not been to our cyber home in the last few days… take a moment to stop in and peruse our new ICCIE website, which went up late last week. The freshly-minted site makes finding information about ICCIE easier, streamlines the registration process, and has a crisp, clean look. We would like to get your feedback as soon as possible – to hear what you like and what you would like to see improved. As we wrote last month, however, this current incarnation of the site will not be the end, but rather the beginning. We have extended plans over the next 12-18 months for adding advanced functionality to better serve the industry.
New “Regulation of Captives” elective
We have already gotten a great response to our new elective, Regulation of Captives, which will make its debut in November. The new course, designed and taught by Jeff Kehler (SC regulator) and Derick White (SRS Captive Manager and long-time VT regulator), is open for registration, but this course may sell out! Other new ICCIE electives are on the drawing board as well. Watch for future course announcements.

Thanks Again to our Anniversary Celebration Sponsors!
If you missed our Boathouse event on the evening of Monday, August 8th, you missed a terrific celebration. Thanks to all of you who chose to come out and honor the captive insurance industry’s education program. And a special thanks to the event’s sponsors: A.M. Best, GPW, Pro Group, and TD Wealth Management.
Scholarship Recipients Announced and Recent ACI Recipients
At the VCIA General Session last month, ICCIE announced the winners of two full scholarships to ICCIE. Congratulations to the winners!
The Distinguished Scholar Award, recognizing VCIA’s tremendous financial commitment to ICCIE, went to Adam White (pictured below, receiving his scholarship at the event from ICCIE Executive Director Mitch Cantor).

The Harry House Scholarship, made available through the, Housing Authority Insurance Group, offers an ICCIE scholarship to a minority student in an accredited college or university Risk Management Program. The 2016 Harry House Scholarship went to Jean Leconte II.
Students who received their diplomas at this year’s ICCIE’s Anniversary Celebration:

Angelia Demokovic receives her ACI Diploma from Mitch Cantor |

Linda Jordan receives her ACI Diploma from Renea Louie |

Richard Rodgers receives his ACI Diploma from Dennis Silvia |

Sherri Roshitsh receives her ACI Diploma from Brian Johnson |

Tracy Snow receives his ACI Diploma from Ron Campbell |

Kathleen Vreeken receives her ACI Diploma from Dennis Harwick |