Chris Mandel

ICCIE core course: An Introduction to Alternative Risk Financing Mechanisms; ICCIE elective course: Captive Claims Management: Best Practices and Reinsurance

Christopher E. Mandel                                             


Christopher E. Mandel is the retired SVP, Strategic Solutions for Sedgwick and is Director, the Sedgwick Institute, where in both positions he is responsible for helping the company reach its strategic vision and manage the interface with the industry. Currently, Mr. Mandel is Assistant Professor of ERM Practice at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He is also a senior risk advisor to USI Insurance Services and President and Managing Consultant of Excellence in Risk Management, LLC. From 2001-2010, Mr. Mandel was head of enterprise risk management for USAA, Group. Mr. Mandel has more than 30 years of experience in insurance and large global corporate risk management. He has pioneered the development of award winning enterprise risk management at USAA. He has held leadership roles throughout his career in insurance, brokerage, consulting, corporate strategy and enterprise risk management.

He has served the Risk and insurance Management Society in leadership roles beginning in the early ‘90s, culminating President in 2002-2003 He holds or has held appointments to over 25 industry entities including current board roles in the Captive Insurance Group of NJ, the Association for Responsible Alternatives to WC, the advisory board of Insurance Thought He was elected a member of Risk Who’s Who in 2008 and is on the teaching faculty of RIMS and the National Alliance and the board of ICCIE.

Mr. Mandel received his B.S. in Business Management from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and a Masters in Business Administration from George Mason University and is a RIMS Fellow.  He is a frequent industry speaker, teacher and author, writes for the International Risk Management Institute and contributes to the “Risk Insider” for Risk and Insurance magazine. He has had continuously running columns in the trade press since 1996 and was named Risk Manager of the Year – 2004, is a member of Risk Who’s Who and received the RIMS Goodell Award (2016) for lifetime achievement.


Captive Claims Management Best Practices and Reinsurance An Introduction to Alternative Risk Financing Mechanisms