Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 noon EDT
Carl Terzer, Cap Visors
Raghu Ramachandran, SP Global
Program Content:
This webinar focuses on the single biggest issue facing insurers: the Fed’s plan to hold rates at zero for the next three years coupled with a new policy of allowing inflation to fluctuate around, and possibly above, 2% without their usual reaction of a rate increase. This scenario presents the fairly high possibility of negative “real” returns on investment grade bond portfolios which are typically 70-90% of a captive’s investments. Major research firms JP Morgan, BlackRock, et.al.) are projecting expected returns of 0-2 % for the next few years for investment grade bonds. With an inflation rate expected to average 2%, insurers could easily fail their basic investment objective of “preservation of principal.”
The problem with bonds:
- 2020 Fed Policy actions
- Interest rates
- Bond buying
- Recent policy changes and 2022 outlook beyond
- The problem:
- Bond returns and inflation
- REG 114 restrictions and other constraints
- Bond risks
- Credit
- Duration/interest rate
- Other
- Possible solutions:
- Mandate changes
- New asset classes
- How implement changes
- Reassessing risk tolerance
- Passive vs Active management
- IPS and guideline modifications
- Negotiating with Fronts
All participants must attend the webinar in its entirety to receive credit.
The following credits are available upon the successful completion
1 ACI CE credit
1 ICCIE Teleconference credit
CPE credits are only available through special arrangements with ICCIE
Delivery Method: Computer Only
$100 per ACI designation graduate
$100 per attendee from companies with employees enrolled in ICCIE
$100 per ICCIE modular student
$75 per ACI Alumni Network member
Designation students– this offering fulfills one teleconference requirement. Please contact the ICCIE office at info@iccie.org or 802-651-9050