Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Registration Deadline: Monday, June 15, 2020
Program Summary: This session will feature a panel of distinguished captive regulators taking a longer view of the captive insurance industry. Focus will be on the inclusion of business interruption coverage in existing and new captives, capital requirements, and a look at the state of the industry beginning in 2021. There will be an opportunity for participants to send questions to the panel.
Moderator: Lesley Thompson, ICCIE Board President
Timae Flood – Bermuda
Dave Piner – Michigan
John Talley – Missouri
Debbie Walker – North Carolina
Travis Wegkamp – Utah
Dave Provost – Vermont
All participants must attend the webinar in its entirety to receive credit.
The following credits are available upon the successful completion
1 ACI CE credit
1 ICCIE Teleconference credit
CPE credits are only available through special arrangements with ICCIE
Delivery Method: Computer Only
$100 per ACI designation graduate
$100 per attendee from companies with employees enrolled in ICCIE
$100 per ICCIE modular student
$75 per ACI Alumni Network member
$25 (total) Discount if you register for both Regulator Round Tables
Designation students- this offering fulfills one teleconference requirement