“Changing Priorities, People & Strategies: Managing Stakeholder Alignment in a Changing Landscape”
Time:  1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time   (10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Arizona Time)

Program Summary:
What can you do when your senior executives don’t understand how captives add value for internal stakeholders and shareholders?  Risk managers and captive experts who have successfully engaged senior management and earned their support will outline how to inform and educate in ways that are simple, quick and lasting.


1. Learn techniques successful risk managers have used to ensure key stakeholders understand how and why captives contribute to organizational success
2. Understand the critical barriers to effective communication of the captive value proposition and how to remove them
3. Leave the session better equipped to make your case for growing your captive and expanding the strategy for growth and long term financial success

     Courtney Claflin, Executive Director, Captive Programs, University of California;
     Chris Mandel, SVP & Director, Sedgwick Institute;
     Jason Palmer, Regional Managing Director – US, Willis Towers Watson

All participants must attend the webinar in its entirety to receive credit.
The following credits are available upon the successful completion
1 ACI CE credit
1 ICCIE Teleconference credit

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