Teleconferences/ACI CE Credit
Some of the World Captive Forum sessions qualify for ICCIE teleconference or CE credit. The below modules qualify for credit. To receive ICCIE teleconference or CE credit, please complete the sign-in sheet at the session or obtain a certificate of completion for your participation and forward it to the ICCIE office.
Designation students: No more than one of the three required teleconferences may be obtained through
documented attendance at approved modules at captive conferences.
ACI recipients: No more than four of the 12 CE credits, per renewal period, may be obtained through
documented attendance at approved modules at captive conferences.
You will receive one TC or one ICCIE CE for the following sessions:
Benefits Data: Its Role in Rating and Reserving
David Arick, Global Risk Management
Kathleen Waslov, Willis Towers Watson
Vittorio Zaniboni, Generali
Panel: Cell Structure
Les Boughner, Advantage Insurance Management
Eric Severson, Ascent Medical Management
Moderator: Nick Frost, R&Q Quest Management Services Limited
Legal and Regulatory Update
David Cohen, Evercore Trust Company
Bruce Wright, Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan
Using Captive Dats: P/C Success Stories (Partnering with ICCIE)
Chris Bennett, Origami Risk
Judy Ertel, Cummins, Inc
Bill Motherway, Conner Strong & Buckelew
Moderator: Don Riggins, The Art of Captives
Panel: Success Stories from Benefits Captive Owners
Phil Clark, Vodafone
Brian Jenkins, General Motors Corp
Kelvin Wu, International SOS
Moderator: Lorraine Stack, Marsh Captive Solutions
Panel: Success Stories from Property/Casualty Captive Owners
Courtney Claflin, University of California
Maria Sheffield, Caterpillar, Inc
Moderator: Hugh Rosenbaum, Willis Towers Watson
For further details please contact at ICCIE at 802-651-9050