Daniel H Kugler
The ACI designation is the only certification that is focused on alternative risk financing approaches that today’s organizations are engaged in or considering. The designation provides a solid foundation in insurance captive operations which is not available anywhere else. The web-based approach made it extremely convenient to schedule the course work and take the exams. The materials supported the web-based sessions and I continue to use the materials in my captive operation responsibilities. I have recommended the program to fello0w risk professionals and a member of our
Risk Management Team has completed her ACI last year. I would strongly recommend the program to both individuals that are entering the captive insurance industry and to the experienced “veterans” a solid program with great instructors and a proven program for continuous learning into captives and alternative risk financing. I believe in the program that I am an instructor in the program! Join the ranks of fellow ACI designated risk professionals!
Completed designation: September 14, 2007