Many of the National Risk Retention Association’s Conference sessions qualify for ICCIE teleconference or CE credit. To receive ICCIE teleconference or CE credit, please complete the sign-in sheet at the session or obtain a certificate of completion for your participation and forward it to the ICCIE office.
Designation students: No more than one of the three required teleconferences may be obtained through documented attendance at approved modules at captive conferences.
ACI recipients: No more than four of the 12 CE credits, per renewal period, may be obtained through documented attendance at approved modules at captive conferences.
You will receive one TC or one ICCIE CE for the following sessions:
- Brexit, BEPS and Other International Regulations
Controlling Costs in a Work Comp Captive: The Rolling Stones Were Wrong – Time Isn’t on
Your Side Global Employee Benefit Programs: Are They Still Worth It?
Medical Stop-Loss: Structuring the Risks
Pooling in Microcaptives
Spicing Up Your Captive
Reinsurance in the Aftermath: Impact of 2017 Storms and Quakes
Selling Captives to the C-Suite
Time for a Captive Refresh?
Growing Your Captive with Voluntary Benefits
Care Captives – The Conflicts and Opportunities
Multiple Captives – Why and How?
Regulatory Hot Topics
Cell Company Overview and Innovative Applications
Managing Risks in a Captive’s Portfolio
The World of RRGs (Risk Retention Groups)
Successful Captives: Three Case Studies