Teleconferences/ACI CE Credit
Some of the Cayman Captive Forum sessions qualify for ICCIE teleconference or CE credit. The below modules qualify for credit. To receive ICCIE teleconference or CE credit, please complete the sign-in sheet at the session or obtain a certificate of completion for your participation and forward it to the ICCIE office.
Designation students: No more than one of the three required teleconferences may be obtained through documented attendance at approved modules at captive conferences.
ACI recipients: No more than four of the 12 CE credits, per renewal period, may be obtained through
documented attendance at approved modules at captive conferences.
You will receive one TC or one ICCIE CE for the following sessions:
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Choosing the Right Investment Manager
William Dalziel, London & Capital
Carl Terzer, CapVisor Associates
PIC Technicalities: How to Create and Keep a PIC Compliant
Tom Jones, McDermott Will & Emery
Thomas O Cyr, KPMG
Paul Scrivener, Solomon Harris
Carrie Brown, Deloitte
Gretchen Hammes, KPMG
Melanie Snyman =, Pricewaterhouse Coopers
Nathan Robnett, Ernst & Young
BEPs and OECD – What’s Been Discussed Behind Closed Doors and How Can We Address and Prepare
Jenny Coletta, Ernst & Young
Simon Mawer, Ernst & Young
Resolving Differences Between Auditors and Captive’s Actuary
Paul Arbo, BDO
Joe Herbers, Pinnacle Actuarial Resources
Global Market Update
Sean Rider, Willis
Andrew Cater, Aon Global Risk Consulting
Captive Insurance: Considerations in Taxation
Mike Domanski, Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP
TC Leshikar, KPMG
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
You Can Insure What with a Captive
Randy Jaques, UMass Memorial Healthcare
Larry Reback, Integro
Kelly Webster, Beazley Group
William McDonough, Integro
Claims Quandries
Phillip Ashley, Wagstaff & Cartmell
Sara J Brundage, Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP
Shullamith Klein – Emory University and Emory Healthcare
One Company. Three Captives. One Source
Nick Hentges, Captive Resource LLC
Ed Keis, DeCrescente Distributing Co., Inc
Mike McManus – Captive Resources LLC
Bad Bugs: How to insure against Ebola, Zika and Other Infectious Disease that Create Business Risks
Dominic Colaizzo, Aon
Roberta DeBiasi, Children’s National Health System
Mary Anne Hillard, Children’s National Health System
After the Dust Settles: Captive Operations Following the Merger
Ruth Goodell, Trinity Health
David Na, Willis Towers Watson
Julie Robertson, Honigman Miller Schwartz & Cohn, LLP
The Continuing Compelling Case for Cayman Captives
Eric Lark, Kerr, Russell and Weber, PLC
Paul Scrivener, Solomon Harris
Shifting the Risk Kaleidoscope
Sandra Boillot, Ascension Health
Todd Cunningham, Zurich North America
Becky Havlisch, Banner Health
So You Have a Captive – What Now? Claims!
Clare Bello Ogden, VCM, A CCMSI Company
Mike Meehan, Milliman
Eileen Shanley, Steward Health
Status Quo or Captive 2.0?
Tom Brumgardt, Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP
Barry Couch, HealthSure
Thursday, December 1, 2016
CEO Panel
Julie Roberts, Honigman Miller Schwartz & Cohn
Mark Reynolds, Risk Management Foundation of the Harvard Medical Institutions
Candice Sauders, Wellstar Health System
Terri Weldrum, Ohio Health
Investment Panel – What Next
Carl Terzer, CapVisors, LLC
Andy Baron, Butterfield Asset Management
Scott Mildrum, KMH LLP
Jean-Francois Perrault, Scotiabank
Emerging Best Practices In Obstetrics and the Impact on Captive Insurance Programs
Jeremy Brigham, Willis Towers Watson
Sandra Boillot, Ascension Risk Services
Heather Moor, Ob Hospitalist Group
Evolution of Traditional Investigation and Modern Forensics
William Hickman, CSI Corporate Securuty and Investigations
Peter Mansmann, Precise, Inc
Sajay Rai, Securely Yours
Insuring the Shared Economy
Monica Everett, Artex Risk Solutions
Rob Walling,Pinnacle Actuarial Resources
Patient Engagement and eHealth
Meg Garrett John Hopkins Health System
Karen Mathura, RCM&D
Drones in Healthcare
April Andrews-Singh, Miami Children’s Health System
William Barber, AON
Mike Midgley, Swiss Re Corporate Solutions
Engaging in Trade or Business – Tax or Regulatory
Richard Irvine – PricewaterhouseCoopers
Bruce Wright, Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP
Insuring Reputational Risk in your Captive
Larry Hansard, Arthur Gallagher & Co
Mark Kleinlein, Honigman, Miller Schwartz & Cohn
Heather McClure, Academic Physician
Group Captives- Best Practices and Enhancing Members Experiences
Anne Marie Towle, Willis Towers Watson
Amy Evans, Western Litigation
Kara Tencellent, Coverys